JGSPBCI Member’s Goals Committee – Phyllis Kramer Memorial

The Phyllis Kramer Memorial committee is focused upon educating genealogists, knowing why members join our society, and what they would like from their JGS.


Last year we re-evaluated our methods of teaching topics to you, our members. We concluded that a more hands-on approach would be well worth pursuing.


Previous contacts with members showed us that some members have not created a family tree and that some needed and wanted help organizing data such as:


  • Documents

  • Photos

  • Written stories


The Board would like to help you with the above. If you submit your data, I could show you how I organized your data and use it to create a descendant family tree using Family Tree Maker. I would like the information below by June 30th:


  • The names and some data of your various family members who will be on your tree.

  • How each family member is related.

  • A “home person” who is the oldest person on the tree.


Sometime in July, I intend to conduct a workshop via Zoom. I will show how I organized your data and created a new family tree. You don’t have to submit information in order to attend this workshop. For those members who submit items, I will need your written permission to show it. The actual July presentation date will be announced after I receive your information.


Please understand that my presentation will provide one way to organize information. There are many others which we can discuss. The family tree will utilize the basics of Family Tree Maker. It is just to get you started. This tree will be a descendant tree which is one of many types of trees. Lastly, please understand that I cannot utilize everyone’s submitted data. However, I hope my presentation will provide one guide for organizing your information and one way to create a family tree.


If you have any questions or need clarification, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Eric Sharenow, Vice President
(Please include your telephone number when you reply.)

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